

I have just started to make a new backup utility. At the moment it only creates a sha manifest of files (including the exclusion rules) and states which files were changed since the last version of the sha manifest. That can and will be used to create incremental backups which are easily readable by anyone (files will be stored the same way they were on the disk). That could be very useful for backing up music or something like that. You don't want your music to be in some unreadable format on the CD/DVD :) And using this fbackup the only thing you would have except your music is a small xml file containing the SHAs of the music files and their disk locations.

The repository can be found here. You can clone the repository like this:

hg clone http://tesla.rcub.bg.ac.yu/~brcha/hg/FBackup.hg


SOAP->DCOP Multithread

There is a new version of SOAP2DCOP bridge. It is multithread (based on Qt's QThread) and it is intended to be ran as a program service. At the beginning of the application the server thread is started and at the end it is killed. You should then export dcop calls to soap, but that should be fairly simple based on my example. If anybody needs DCOP over the net, feel free to take it from my repo. The module itself can be found here, but you should use mercurial to clone the repository:

hg clone http://tesla.rcub.bg.ac.yu/~brcha/hg/Opstina.hg

And last, but not least, you should first download your copy of mercurial version control system from here.


Mercurial repository

I have created a new Mercurial repository on tesla. The address is here. It was kind of a problem since tesla doesn't allow me to change DirectoryIndex in .htaccess, so I had to make a redirection from php. Also, I had to use mod_python's cgihandler to be able to execute the python scripts. Every other way resulted in server errors. Odd configuration back there, but it is not like I have some other choice. On Alas I can't make ssh use authorized keys, so I have to enter my password all the time. Galeb doesn't even support ssh for some reason. And both galeb and alas have very good apache configurations that let me do whatever I want to do (include my own .so extensions in php, run CGIs, ...), so that would make them better for repository hosting. But there would be no possibility to push the repository to the server and that would make the repository kind of unusable, now wouldn't it ;)


I have just created SOAP to DCOP bridge. I hope it will work in my upcoming application. I will post details when I get it bugfixed at least a little bit more than initial working version :)